Erin’s Picks January 2022 | Happy (early) National Tile Day


Sneak Peek of Our 2022 Spring Summer Featured Collections


Happy New Year everyone! It’s hard to believe it’s the end of January already, time is flying! And that’s all good because we’ve got some fun things happening in February… like National Tile Day and the launch of our 2022 Spring Summer Featured Collections!

National Tile Day celebrates tile and the timeless element it has been in architecture and design for thousands of years and will continue to be for another thousand. From the reliable workhorse to the pièce de résistance, we use tile to tell a story within our interior and exterior spaces.

I felt it was fitting to tie in National Tile Day with our upcoming launch because this season we are telling color stories with our tile collections. Through those color stories, you will be able to find collections that reflect that reliable workhorse aesthetic to pièce de résistance collections. The collections I am giving you a sneak peek of today capture both of those elements.


Cersaie is back baby!! For those of you who don’t know, Cersaie is an international tradeshow held in Bologna Italy in September. Creative Materials attends every year (pending there isn’t a pandemic, of course) with the goal of seeing what is new from an aesthetic, format and technology standpoint – and identify the trends for the year to come.

As we walked miles and miles at the show in September, we were seeing trends that we discussed a year ago starting to evolve and becoming integral elements in collections.

When we started looking through collections and developing the palette there was a definite color story developing. We know designers use color stories to set the tone for their spaces, and with knowing this, we are taking a design focused approach this season and developing color stories for our collections.

color stories

Our color stories for our 2022 Spring Summer Featured Collections will focus on the warmth of neutral tones, the integration of muted and saturated tones, bold reds, blues and greens. Below are just two of many color stories that can be told with our collections.

This color story explores dramatic red and burgundy colorways coupled with dark moody tones. See how it’s complemented with warm neutrals and glimmers of gold.
This color story explores the ever popular green and blue colorways and the colors that complement those hues.

sneak peek: journey

Journey draws inspiration from the raw materials used to create tile – clay, and explores the use of pigments to create the warm neutrals and soft pastel like blue and green found in its palette. Journey also studies how textures effect the surface of the clay when pressed into its surface at varying intensities.

Creative Features: 

  • Six Sizes | 12’x24′ up to 48’x48′
  • Unique Sizes | 2’x6′ and Hexagon
  • Mix of Textures and Dual Finishes
  • Floor + Wall – Porcelain
SNEAK PEEK – Journey Collection – Samples not available yet

sneak peek: bateau + bateau complements

Bateau is an existing marble collection that focused purely on classic white, grey and black marble visuals, but as design evolves and more exotic colors in stones are being used, so must we evolve our collections. Bateau now includes new, bold marble aesthetics in blue, green and red colorways, as well as a more contemporary white marble with heavier black veining.

To further the evolution of Bateau, we are offering the Bateau Complements. A collection of soft satin-like beveled wall tiles and geometric patterned tiles capturing art deco like designs to contemporary southwestern motifs that complement the subtle and bold characteristics of Bateau’s marble visuals.

Creative Features: 

  • Seven Sizes in Bateau | 3’x12′ up to 29’x58′
  • Terrazzo Inspired Decor
  • Two Sizes in Bateau Complements | 3’x12′ and 8’x8′
  • Unique patterned decor overlaid on marble visual
  • Floor + Wall – Porcelain + Ceramic
SNEAK PEEK – Bateau + Bateau Complements Collections – Samples not available yet

Excited to see the rest of our 2022 Spring Summer Featured Collections?! Well, you are in luck because your local Creative Materials’ Architectural Sales Consultants will be reaching out soon to schedule presentations of our new collections.

Until next time…


Looking for pattern ideas or technical assistance with pattern layouts? Creative Materials’ Design Services can help. Just click here and tell us about your project vision. We will take it from there.