Erin’s Picks March 2021 | Let’s Talk Tile Modules

Why they’re my design BFF, and should be yours, too!

Disclaimer: Tile Modules won’t work for every pattern or design, but they can work for a majority of them. If you come across a pattern for which you think there’s no way a tile module could work, send it over! I love a design challenge! 

Hi Everyone!

Check out my first vlog on Tile Modules. Tile modules are like the part-to-whole concept; the tile module is a portion of your whole design, and using this thinking helps simplify the installation process for your installer while maintaining and achieving your design intent.


I hope you better understand how tile modules can often provide an effective and helpful tool for your design. If you’re stumped by a pattern or design, or can’t figure out if a tile module could work, contact your Creative Materials Architectural Sales Consultant and let Design Services take it on for you!

Until next time…


Looking for pattern ideas or technical assistance with pattern layouts? Creative Materials’ Design Services can help. Just click here and tell us about your project vision. We will take it from there.